Author/Speaker Files

Call for papers

Download PDF of the following (Second call for papers)

19th International Symposium on Fireworks (ISF)
Liling, China
April 21 – 25, 2025

The International Symposium on Fireworks Society Ltd (ISFS Ltd) in collaboration with the Liling Host Committee (LHC), are now organizing the 19th International Symposium on Fireworks (ISF). The ISF is recognized as the premier forum for the presentation of papers and the discussion of topics dealing with the safety, scientific, engineering, artistic, environmental, historical, and regulatory aspects of fireworks and other pyrotechnics associated with entertainment and celebration.

China is the largest supplier of fireworks in the world, fully engaged in manufacturing and establishing safety standards for the transport, storage and use of fireworks. In recognition of these accomplishments, the Theme for the Liling ISF is, “China’s Firework Industry and Culture Promotes the Safe Use of Fireworks for Cultural Festivities Around the World.”

China has already an industrial standard for so-called, “City Fireworks (or Small Fireworks),” which is similar to the “Safe and Sane” fireworks required in California, USA. Because access worldwide to consumer fireworks by individuals, for their own use and enjoyment, ranges from nearly unrestricted to prohibited by local governments, many countries are interested in evaluating a new class of less energetic “Consumer Fireworks.” So, can consumer fireworks be designed and manufactured to be used more safely by the public without a diminishment in their pyrotechnic effects and attractiveness?

Papers in the following areas are encouraged:

  • Cultural use of fireworks in China and other parts of the world
  • City Fireworks Standards and Adoption,

As well as the traditional areas:

  • Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering of Fireworks and associated pyrotechnics
  • New Concepts, Techniques and Products for the Manufacture, Transportation and Storage of Fireworks
  • Fireworks and the Environment
  • The Art and History of Fireworks

Technically rigorous papers specifically dealing with the sensitivities and energy output of Fireworks compositions are also highly desirable.

As was provided at the 14th ISF in China, there will be a Poster Session for papers that cannot be orally presented. The Poster Session papers will be posted all week, but their authors will only be available for questions regarding their papers on a single day and at specific times, which will be announced later.

One Workshop is planned in the Program of the week of the Symposium, with the tentative title of, “City Fireworks Standards”. Representatives from countries that have such standards are encouraged to contact Andrew Tang to indicate their interest in participating in this Workshop. The Moderator for this event will be announced in the near future.

Important Dates and Actions

Abstracts of approximately 200 words should be submitted by January 15, 2025 as an email attachment to the appropriate editor in the list below. Authors will be informed of acceptance of papers for the Symposium by February 15, 2025. If accepted, authors need to prepare the manuscripts according to the requirements of the “Author Instructions,” below. The completed manuscripts or poster paper must be received by March 15, 2025 along with a completed Copyright Form. Maintaining this schedule will allow the 19th ISF Editors to review and lightly edit the manuscripts/papers and have them compiled to produce the Proceedings [in English and Chinese (optional)] in time for the Symposium start date and to be distributed to the 19th ISF attendees.

China: Andrew Tang
Japan: Mitsuru Arai
Mexico and South America: Jorge Márquez
Canada and United States:
Maude Furtado and,
Paul Csukassy

All other locations and for technical information:
Ettore Contestabile or
Roger Schneider

Author instructions

Detailed instructions for authors (PDF)

This document contains detailed instructions for preparing your manuscript: language, font, format, headings, sub-headings, abstract, figures, tables, references, etc.; as well as for the presentation of papers. 

The professional nature of the Symposium requires that papers adhere to these requirements.

The deadline for submitting papers is March 15, 2025.

Refereed papers: Editors/Reviewers

Coming soon

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